just a few simple rules. follow them and no one will get hurt! ^_^;
1. if your under the age of 13, please get mummy's or daddy's 'ok' first!!
2. you must have a web page with a valid url. requests without
urls will be ignored!
3. you must have a valid email address! you will be
emailed back to confirm the adoption.
4. no anti-sailormoon / anit-anime pages.
5. no profanity.
6. your page doesn't have to be anime or manga based.
7. a text or button link back here.
8. you can adopt as two characters at a time. If you want more, wait until you receive the
first two. If you send more than one request before receving the first
two characters, all your adoption forums will be deleted. any other forums that I receive
with your email address will also be deleted!
9. look after the characters!! ^_^;;
10. if you apply to adopt a character, you must show one of the 3
button's linked back here or else you don't get your characters!
if there is any trouble with the rules i have now, more will be added!!!